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Òúðñåíå íà: ������� big

/ íàä 500 ïðîäóêòà /
Clean Bandit
What is love? - Limited Deluxe

Warner Music Group
Öåíà:  21.90 ëâ.
Think - íèâî Starter (A1): Êíèãà çà ó÷èòåëÿ ïî àíãëèéñêè åçèê : Second Edition + îíëàéí ìàòåðèàëè
Brian Hart

Cambridge University Press
Ïðîäóêòúò å ïðåäñòàâåí ñ âúòðåøíè ñòðàíèöè
Öåíà:  44.90 ëâ.
Think - íèâî 3 (B1+): Êíèãà çà ó÷èòåëÿ ïî àíãëèéñêè åçèê : Second Edition + îíëàéí ìàòåðèàëè
Brian Hart

Cambridge University Press
Ïðîäóêòúò å ïðåäñòàâåí ñ âúòðåøíè ñòðàíèöè
Öåíà:  44.90 ëâ.
Cambridge English Readers - Íèâî 2: Elementary/Lower : Dead Cold
Sue Leather

Cambridge University Press
Ïðîäóêòúò å ïðåäñòàâåí ñ âúòðåøíè ñòðàíèöè
Öåíà:  13.90 ëâ.
Think - íèâî Starter (A1): Ó÷åáíèê ïî àíãëèéñêè åçèê : Second Edition
Herbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks, Peter Lewis-Jones

Cambridge University Press
Ïðîäóêòúò å ïðåäñòàâåí ñ âúòðåøíè ñòðàíèöè
Öåíè îò:  43.90 ëâ.
Êîìïëåêò çà ïîêåð
Ñ 200 ÷èïà

Âúçìîæíà å åêñïðåñíà äîñòàâêà ñàìî çà 6 ÷àñà â ðàìêèòå íà Ñîôèÿ, â ðàáîòíè äíè îò 10:00 äî 18:00 ÷àñà.
Öåíà:  33.90 ëâ.
Ñòàí Êîëåâ
Emotional content

Relaxator’s Dance Company
Ñòàíäàðòíà öåíà 14.99 ëâ.
Âçåìè ñåãà ñ îòñòúïêà -35%!
Çà ïîâå÷å ïîäðîáíîñòè âèæ â ïðîäóêòà.
Âúçìîæíà å åêñïðåñíà äîñòàâêà ñàìî çà 6 ÷àñà â ðàìêèòå íà Ñîôèÿ, â ðàáîòíè äíè îò 10:00 äî 18:00 ÷àñà.
Öåíà:  9.74 ëâ.
Tales of the Jazz Age
F. Scott Fitzgerald

Collector's Library
Âúçìîæíà å åêñïðåñíà äîñòàâêà ñàìî çà 6 ÷àñà â ðàìêèòå íà Ñîôèÿ, â ðàáîòíè äíè îò 10:00 äî 18:00 ÷àñà.
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Ïðîäóêòúò å ïðåäñòàâåí ñ âúòðåøíè ñòðàíèöè
Öåíà:  17.90 ëâ.
Scale: The Universal Laws of Life and Death in Organisms, Cities and Companies
Geoffrey West

Weidenfeld & Nicolson
Ïðîäóêòúò å ïðåäñòàâåí ñ âúòðåøíè ñòðàíèöè
Öåíà:  22.90 ëâ.
Tales of the Jazz Age
F. Scott Fitzgerald

Collector's Library
Âúçìîæíà å åêñïðåñíà äîñòàâêà ñàìî çà 6 ÷àñà â ðàìêèòå íà Ñîôèÿ, â ðàáîòíè äíè îò 10:00 äî 18:00 ÷àñà.
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Ïðîäóêòúò å ïðåäñòàâåí ñ âúòðåøíè ñòðàíèöè
Öåíà:  25.90 ëâ.
Contemporary Issues in Accounting. The Accounting Profession
Eleonora Stancheva-Todorova

ÓÈ Ñâ. Êëèìåíò Îõðèäñêè
Öåíà:  25.00 ëâ.
Ïðîäóêòè îòãîâàðÿùè íà òúðñåíå: ������� big
Clean Bandit -
Clean Bandit
What is love? - Limited Deluxe

Warner Music Group
Öåíà:  21.90 ëâ.
"What Is Love?" å ïëîäúò íà òðèãîäèøåí òðóä è å âúëíóâàùà íîâà ãëàâà â ðàçâèòèåòî íà Clean Bandit. Ñëåäâàéêè äåáþòíèÿ èì àëáóì "New Eyes" îò 2014 ã., ÷èéòî ïðîäàæáè íàäõâúðëÿò 2 ìèëèîíà è äåáþòèðà íà 3-òà ïîçèöèÿ â Îáåäèíåíîòî êðàëñòâî, "What Is Love?" ïîäñëîíÿâà èçîáðåòàòåëíèÿ, åëåêòðî ìóëòèæàíðîâ ðåãèñòúð íà áàíäàòà - åäíà êîëåêöèÿ îò ãèãàíòñêè îïòèìèñòè÷íè ïîï ïåñíè, ïðåïëåòåíè ñ åìîöèîíàëíà ëèðè÷íîñò. Êàòî ãðóïà, êîÿòî ïåðôåêòíî ñå ñïðàâÿ ñúñ ñúâìåñòíàòà ñè ðàáîòà ñ äðóãè èçïúëíèòåëè, Clean Bandit îòíîâî ðàçïîëàãà ñ áðèëÿíòåí øèðîê ñïèñúê îò çâåçäíè âîêàëèñòè: Zara Larsson, Marina, Luis ...
Áåëèòå ìè íîùè. Ïîåçèÿ -
Áåëèòå ìè íîùè. Ïîåçèÿ
Ìàðãàðèòà Ïåòêîâà

Öåíà:  20.00 ëâ.
Ïðîäóêòúò å ñðåä íàé-èíòåðåñíèòå â
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Think - íèâî Starter (A1): Êíèãà çà ó÷èòåëÿ ïî àíãëèéñêè åçèê Second Edition -
Think - íèâî Starter (A1): Êíèãà çà ó÷èòåëÿ ïî àíãëèéñêè åçèê : Second Edition + îíëàéí ìàòåðèàëè
Brian Hart

Cambridge University Press
Öåíà:  44.90 ëâ.
Ïðîäóêòúò å ïðåäñòàâåí ñ âúòðåøíè ñòðàíèöè
Think Second edition is the English course that develops your students as learners and challenges them to consider global issues such as climate change and important scientific discoveries. With inspirational topics and texts from around the world, pages dedicated to life competencies and focused Cambridge English exam practice, this course encourages students to think big - in English. The Student's Book pages are fully integrated into the Teacher's Book with teacher's notes, answers, mixed-ability support and references to online resources. The digital pack includes Presentation Plus, teacher's resources ...
Think - íèâî 3 (B1+): Êíèãà çà ó÷èòåëÿ ïî àíãëèéñêè åçèê Second Edition -
Think - íèâî 3 (B1+): Êíèãà çà ó÷èòåëÿ ïî àíãëèéñêè åçèê : Second Edition + îíëàéí ìàòåðèàëè
Brian Hart

Cambridge University Press
Öåíà:  44.90 ëâ.
Ïðîäóêòúò å ïðåäñòàâåí ñ âúòðåøíè ñòðàíèöè
Think Second edition is the English course that develops your students as learners and challenges them to consider global issues such as climate change and important scientific discoveries. With inspirational topics and texts from around the world, pages dedicated to life competencies and focused Cambridge English exam practice, this course encourages students to think big - in English. The Student's Book pages are fully integrated into the Teacher's Book with teacher's notes, answers, mixed-ability support and references to online resources. The digital pack includes Presentation Plus, teacher's resources ...
Cambridge English Readers - Íèâî 2: Elementary/Lower Dead Cold -
Cambridge English Readers - Íèâî 2: Elementary/Lower : Dead Cold
Sue Leather

Cambridge University Press
Öåíà:  13.90 ëâ.
Ïðîäóêòúò å ïðåäñòàâåí ñ âúòðåøíè ñòðàíèöè
Award-winning readers series of original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. A dead girl in a swimming pool in Pine Crest, USA. She's Janine, a 23-year-old student who wanted to write for a newspaper. Detective Flick Laine has to find the killer. But first she must find out the big story Janine was working on before her death. ...
Think - íèâî Starter (A1): Ó÷åáíèê ïî àíãëèéñêè åçèê Second Edition -
Think - íèâî Starter (A1): Ó÷åáíèê ïî àíãëèéñêè åçèê : Second Edition
Herbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks, Peter Lewis-Jones

Cambridge University Press
Öåíè îò:  43.90 ëâ.
Ïðîäóêòúò å ïðåäñòàâåí ñ âúòðåøíè ñòðàíèöè
Think Second edition is the English course that develops your students as learners and challenges them to consider global issues such as climate change and important scientific discoveries. With inspirational topics and texts from around the world, pages dedicated to life competencies and focused Cambridge English exam practice, this course encourages students to think big - in English. Think Second edition offers a holistic approach to learning, giving students not only the language, but also the skills they need for future success beyond the classroom. The reading texts, writing, and listening scripts​ are ...
Êîìïëåêò çà ïîêåð - Êîìïëåêò çà ïîêåð
Ñ 200 ÷èïà


Öåíà:  33.90 ëâ.
Âúçìîæíà å åêñïðåñíà äîñòàâêà ñàìî çà 6 ÷àñà â ðàìêèòå íà Ñîôèÿ, â ðàáîòíè äíè îò 10:00 äî 18:00 ÷àñà.
Êîìïëåêòà çà ïîêåð ïðåäëàãà âñè÷êî íåîáõîäèìî çà åäíà èíòåðåñíà èãðà - ðàçïîëàãà ñ 200 ÷èïà áåç íîìèíàëè â 5 öâÿòà, 2 òåñòåòà êàðòè, ÷èï "Big Blind", ÷èï "Small Blind", ÷èï "Dealer", ïîñòàâêà çà ÷èïîâå è ïëàòíî çà èãðà â çåëåí öâÿò ñ ðàçìåðè 36 õ 24 cm. ...
Ñòàí Êîëåâ -
Ñòàí Êîëåâ
Emotional content

Relaxator’s Dance Company
Öåíà:  9.74 ëâ.
Ñòàíäàðòíà öåíà 14.99 ëâ.
Âçåìè ñåãà ñ îòñòúïêà -35%!
Çà ïîâå÷å ïîäðîáíîñòè âèæ â ïðîäóêòà.
Âúçìîæíà å åêñïðåñíà äîñòàâêà ñàìî çà 6 ÷àñà â ðàìêèòå íà Ñîôèÿ, â ðàáîòíè äíè îò 10:00 äî 18:00 ÷àñà.
All tracks written, produced, mixed and mastered by Stan Kolev for Outta Limits Production. All instrumentals and programming by Stan Kolev. Recorded at Outta Studios Miami, FL, USA. A&R: Adel "BIG AL" Ghandour Art Direction: Zee Soussane Artwork, Concept & Cover Design: aguycalledphil Executive Producer: Adel "BIG AL" Ghandour Published By: Ready To Publish / 2 Outta Limits (SODRAC/ASCAP) ...
Tales of the Jazz Age -
Tales of the Jazz Age
F. Scott Fitzgerald

Collector's Library
Öåíà:  17.90 ëâ.
Âúçìîæíà å åêñïðåñíà äîñòàâêà ñàìî çà 6 ÷àñà â ðàìêèòå íà Ñîôèÿ, â ðàáîòíè äíè îò 10:00 äî 18:00 ÷àñà.
Ïðîäóêòúò å ïðåäñòàâåí ñ âèäåî ìàòåðèàëè
Ïðîäóêòúò å ïðåäñòàâåí ñ âúòðåøíè ñòðàíèöè
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... "Tales of the Jazz Age" features some of F. Scott's Fitzgerald's best-loved short stories and "novelettes" including "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" and "The Diamond as Big as the Ritz". Set in the Jazz Age, Fitzgerald's own term for the Roaring Twenties of newly confident, post-war America, this collection shows a comic genius at work, fashioning every genre from low farce to shrewd social insight, along with fantasy of extraordinary invention. These stories illuminate the unique talent who went ...
Scale: The Universal Laws of Life and Death in Organisms, Cities and Companies -
Scale: The Universal Laws of Life and Death in Organisms, Cities and Companies
Geoffrey West

Weidenfeld & Nicolson
Öåíà:  22.90 ëâ.
Ïðîäóêòúò å ïðåäñòàâåí ñ âúòðåøíè ñòðàíèöè
Geoffrey West's research centres on a quest to find unifying principles and patterns connecting everything, from cells and ecosystems to cities, social networks and businesses. Scale addresses big, urgent questions about global sustainability, population explosion, urbanization, ageing, cancer, human lifespans and the increasing pace of life, but also encourages us to question the world around us. Why can we live for 120 years but not for a thousand? Why does the pace of life continually increase? Why do mice live for just two or three years and elephants for up to 75? Why do companies behave like mice, and are they ...
Tales of the Jazz Age -
Tales of the Jazz Age
F. Scott Fitzgerald

Collector's Library
Öåíà:  25.90 ëâ.
Âúçìîæíà å åêñïðåñíà äîñòàâêà ñàìî çà 6 ÷àñà â ðàìêèòå íà Ñîôèÿ, â ðàáîòíè äíè îò 10:00 äî 18:00 ÷àñà.
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Ïðîäóêòúò å ïðåäñòàâåí ñ âúòðåøíè ñòðàíèöè
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... "Tales of the Jazz Age" features eleven of F. Scott Fitzgerald's best-loved short stories and "novelettes" including "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" and "The Diamond as Big as the Ritz". Set in the Jazz Age, Fitzgerald's own term for the Roaring Twenties of newly confident, post-war America, this collection shows a comic genius at work, fashioning every genre from low farce to shrewd social insight, along with fantasy of extraordinary invention. These stories illuminate the unique talent who went on to ...
Contemporary Issues in Accounting. The Accounting Profession -
Contemporary Issues in Accounting. The Accounting Profession
Eleonora Stancheva-Todorova

ÓÈ Ñâ. Êëèìåíò Îõðèäñêè
Öåíà:  25.00 ëâ.
The book Contemporary Issues in Accounting. The Accounting Profession studies a wide spectrum of issues, encompassing: the impact of the fourth industrial revolution and the deployment of technological innovations such as Big data analytics, artificial intelligence, machine learning and blockchain; sustainability reporting of companies and its expanding standardisation; and accountants' ethical behaviour in the technology-driven business environment. The analysis is focused on the new role and functions of the accounting experts within organisation and the skill set of the future accountants considered sustainable ...
Òúðñåíå íà: ������� big Ïðîäóêòè 241-252 îò íàä 500
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Íàìàëåíèå íà õèëÿäè êíèãè